Governance Structure
As an organization, MKUTA operates within the framework outlined in its constitution, which delineates the roles and responsibilities of its office-bearers. The constitution establishes various structures, including the board of directors, management, and executive committee, to ensure effective governance and oversight of the organization’s activities and resources.
Board: The board of directors, as the highest decision-making body, consists of a maximum of 9 members possessing qualifications and experience relevant to MKUTA’s work. This body is responsible for overseeing the organization’s overall performance and strategic direction. Within the board, there are two standing committees mainly the management and oversight committees that report to the board chairperson.
Program Oversight Committee: This permanent committee is tasked with overseeing the programmatic performance of all MKUTA grants. Its responsibilities include:
- Reviewing the progress of grant performance against established indicators, targets, and outcomes at various levels of program implementation
- Clarifying any ambiguities in data and deliverables
- Identifying and diagnosing problems during the implementation of program activities
- Recommending solutions and follow-up actions to the MKUTA Secretariat
- Supporting the secretariat in the grant application processes

Management Committee: This committee, also within the board, focuses on overseeing financial management and administrative activities carried out by the secretariat. Its responsibilities include:
- Reviewing the organization’s financial and administrative activities.
- Setting action points based on financial and programmatic positions and grants performance.
- Providing technical and high-level guidance on addressing reported bottlenecks.
Both the oversight and management committees meet quarterly with the secretariat to assess the organization’s financial and programmatic positions, review grant performance, and establish action points. Additionally, before board meetings, the agenda is circulated to members and the executive committee to gather input and comments. The board is fully responsible for providing oversight and safeguarding all donor/partner grants assigned to MKUTA, ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to grant requirements.
MKUTA Executive Director is the head of the management and is accountable to the board. The management of day-to-day activities is under the employed Program Manager who oversees all programs, and the Finance and Administration Manager is in charge of finance and administration. The senior management is comprised of 6 team members (Executive Director, Program Manager, Finance and Administration Manager, Senior Finance and Administration Officer, Human Resource Officer and Monitoring Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manager).